Monday, August 23, 2010

Bob Katter for PM

Lets face it, if we can’t have Bob Brown as our Prime Minister this time around, we may as well get things over and done with and let Bob Katter have a shot.  Sure, he has a healthy dose of the “drunk uncles” going on, but he also has a hell of a lot going for him.  Lets start with the fact that he’s running our country, and currently looks like he might be able to represent all of Australia in a more balanced way than Julia or Tony combined.

Bob Katter was elected to represent one of those country seats that the major parties were clearly screwing over.  Both major parties.  You might be all holier than though about his ad on the telly, you might think his bush poetry was dated or even slightly hick, but then it’s time to face another Bob Katter fact.  He ran ads that showed he actually understood the needs, hopes and fears of his electorate.  And because he was a far better option than the Lib-Labs, he’s not only won his seat, but the country as well.  Both the Lab-Libs are desperately courting Katter and the other two confirmed independents, so we may as well take a look at what he’s told us about himself so far.  It’s tempting to put his opinions into columns, but Katter is a complex man and I think that would be disrespecting his individuality.  This is what we know so far:

1.    He really hates Barnaby Joyce.
2.    He loves farmers of all types, but is especially outspoken about sugar and dairy.
3.    He’s really pissed off about deregulation of sugar and dairy: Lib-Labs, I’m pretty sure that means you.
4.    He doesn’t like farmers committing suicide, but then who does?
5.    He thinks North Queensland needs more people.
6.    He has a scheme whereby he’ll take 7% of NQs water, and 2% of its land and install HYDRO to power the ENTIRE COUNTRY.
7.    He can make enough power with this HYDRO for 60 million people.
8.    60 million people?  Does that count as big or medium Australia?
9.    If you ask him a question you’ll get an answer.  I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t chicken out of a debate on anything.
10.   Health and telecommunications are on his big list.
11. He says he’s keen for Australia, and he’s not convinced about the Lib-Labs.

See what I mean – Bob Katter has no party lines and he says what he reckons.  He seems to be pro-alternative energy, pro health, pro bush, pro farmer and completely and utterly pro screwing around with the major’s leaders.  There is no way he can be pinned to a side and I don’t know if there is any reason he should.

So it’s totally time for him to step up and take the Prime Ministership.  Because at least then we’ll have someone to meet Obama, and his fellow independent will get the telecommunications he deserves and be able to appear on Q&A without his phone line and satellite link up cutting out.

“A voice in Canberra that stands up for what’s right, Bob’s on the job all day and all night.”