Of course now that we can see the sheer size of the donkey vote, now we know that roughly one in twenty people don’t care at all. Which makes me wonder what kind of commodity donkey voters will become. Will the major parties try to buy these votes with actual money next time around?
Maybe websites will spring up where disillusioned voters register their trip to the ballot for sale. They could sell their [1] on ebay amidst furious bidding from J.Gill and T.Abb, and turn a tidy profit on their complete disinterest. After all, if voters are already “being bought” by election promises, does it really matter if politicians switch to direct marketing? I’d warrant $5 in the pocket would be more motivation for a lot of people than any of the millions of dollars of televised nonsense we’ve just been privy to.
I’ve had a hard time tracking down the cost of the Lib-Labs campaigns, but I’d be really interested to see what they spent per head of the voting population. For some people, voting is such a chore that if a Lib-Lab stepped up and volunteered to take the trip to the polling booth for them, I’m pretty sure they’d say yes. We all know it’s not hard to front up at multiple booths and vote multiple times, either under the same name or different ones. I’m actually wondering at what stage of our non-result election we’ll get around to uncovering the extent of this years rorting.
Rorting and ebay aside, we do know is how much each vote would have been worth. The Australian Electoral Commission gives funding to parties based on their number of first preferences. This year each [1] was worth close enough to $2.31. So if you voted Greens, they got your $2.31 to help fund their campaign next time. If you voted for them in the House of Reps and the Senate, they received $4.62 – essentially a gift from you to them. So I headed over to the AEC Virtual Tally Room to find out just how much all this donkeying was costing.
According to their results, 507 481 Senate votes and 654 981 House Of Reps votes were informal, bringing us to a grand total of 1 162 462 informal votes. That's over one million votes that didn’t get across the line. If we cost these at the $2.31 funding rate for a proper vote, we get the staggering figure of $2 685 287.22. While I consider the 22c important, it’s the $2.6 million that really gets me. So much money that should have been reinvested in the Lab-Libs, the Greens, the Socialist Alliance, the Hunters and Fishers or the Sex Party, and now it’s just sitting around earning interest for the AEC. Do you reckon they’ll be having a donkey themed xmas party this year?
There is a price on everything, on everyone and every vote. I know we all struggled finding interested buyers, but the real question is did we sell ourselves too cheaply this year?
People definitely tried to sell their 2007 votes. So why haven’t we hear about it this year?